The Old Anarchism and the New

In a previous video “Yes, Anarcho-Capitalists are Anarchists,” the case was made that anarcho-capitalism is a continuation of the historical anarchist tradition of Proudhon, Bellaguerrigue, Tucker and the rest, contrary to claims by ancoms that anarcho-capitalism has nothing to do with historical anarchism and is utterly foreign to it. Some people mistakenly seemed to think …

Springtime of Nations: Puerto Rico

The face of socialism in America is the fiery Puerto Rican congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. One of her many publicity stunts involved attacking Donald Trump and the Republicans for the lethargic pace of cleanup and aid efforts after Hurricane Maria struck the home of her grandparents, the US commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Now she, among …

Stirner Wasn’t a Communist You Freaking Idiot

Communism is the economic system characterized by “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Bizarrely, it has become increasingly popular in recent years to claim that the champion of Egoism, Max Stirner, supported this system or at least that it is compatible with his thought. It’s not, and that should …