Springtime of Nations Hawai’i

In August 2023 wildfires ravaged the 2nd largest island in the Hawai’ian archipelago, killing over 100 people. With the federal government under scrutiny for its response, it’s worth understanding how this island chain 2500 miles away from the North American continent ended up being ruled from Washington DC, and why some on the island may …

The Fall of Artsakh

One of our first videos on this channel covered the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the separatist republic of Artsakh, majority Armenian but within the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan. During the war, the “national humiliation” of 1994, where the smaller Armenia was able to protect its sister republic, was set in …

The Libertarian to Alt Right Pipeline

The “Libertarian to Alt Right pipeline” as a concept has been around almost since the term “Alternative Right” came into popular consciousness in 2015. The alleged pipeline has mostly been used as a cudgel by left-leaning statists and some foolish left-libertarians to attack right libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism especially, as being simply a gateway drug to nazism. …

Springtime of Nations: Khalistan

On April 23, 2023, Amritpal Singh, a leader of the Sikh religion in India, was arrested by the Central government on charges of treason. Singh had been on the run since that February for calling for the secession of his home state of Punjab, the only Sikh-majority State in India. Who are the Sikhs and …

Springtime of Nations: Basque Country

With two episodes in our series about national liberation movements in France, and two in Spain, we thought it was time for a secessionist movement that straddles the two countries along their mountainous border. This group, with a long history of fighting for freedom, was one of Francisco Franco’s fiercest foes during his military rule. …

KILL LEVIATHAN: Pan-Secession in brief

On this channel, discussion of the core belief of pan-secession has either been done in piecemeal, or included in hour-long videos. Today we seek to put forward a succinct but comprehensive explanation for this belief. The state has a problem: human beings are not interchangeable. There is not one homogenous mass of people that can …

Andy Craig and Cato Institute Utopianism

Over at Libertarianism.org, Andy Craig has written an article where he bemoans attempts by some to ally with others to take control of government. The title is “Pick Your People: The Populist Poison” and Craig says that such attempts can and have led to disastrous outcomes, like in Hungary and Poland, where he says “the …

Collective Force and the Mutual Bank: Proudhon’s Legacy

One concept that Proudhon makes much of in various works, but that other mutualists did not consider especially important, is the concept of collective force. The concept, according to Proudhon, is the corollary of the division of labor. Or rather, he thinks the division of labor is the corollary of collective force. Because two persons …