The Struggle of the Doukhobors against the State

North America has been seen as the land of opportunity for almost 300 years. The continent, especially in its infancy, was a place of refuge for religious minorities fleeing persecution, such as the Quakers and the Mennonites. Sadly this group of religious dissenters, which like the aforementioned groups shared a communalist and pacifist outlook, did …

Springtime of Nations: Venice

Springtime of Nations is a term used to refer to the liberal revolutions that swept Europe in 1848. From Ireland to Poland to Hungary they sought to overthrow imperialism and despotism and replace it with nations governing themselves. Overall, the revolutions were unsuccessful and short-lived, but many laid the groundwork for later successful uprisings. One …

Eric Fleishmann is wrong about Anarcho-Capitalism

Eric Fleischmann of the Center for a Stateless Society has recently published an article titled “The Age-Old Question: Is Anarcho-Capitalism Anarchism?” In this article, Fleischmann denies that Anarcho-Capitalists are the heirs of Benjamin Tucker and the other historical market anarchists, an inheritance that Fleischmann claims for his position, and even claims that anarcho-capitalists are not …