Hong Kong Is Not Yet Lost My Fellow Hong Kongers!

This is a story told by a Springtime of Nations Associate Lap Gong Leong, a citizen of Hong Kong. Before Hong Kong’s 2020 Legislative Council Election was delayed twice, the sixth election since the handover was to be held on September 6th of that year. Concerned over the pro-democratic camp’s complacency after winning a stunning …

Springtime of Nations: Bougainville

All of our previous entries in this series have discussed current and therefore not yet successful struggles against imperialist states. Today however, we get to talk about a movement that fought for secession and won. This week, Bougainville. You probably haven’t heard of Bougainville before, but you have heard of Papua New Guinea. Papua is …

A Brief History of the Zapatista Movement

The PorfiriatoTo understand the neo-zapatistas, one must not overlook the importance of Mexican history itself. Before we get to the eponymous Zapata, let us look towards the conditions that made the Mexican people turn to him in the first place. The man who could be said to have the single greatest influence on the peasant …